Skill Synthesis

Burn NFTs to enhance the skills of other NFTs

The character skill synthesis feature provides a way to strengthen and enhance characters in the game. In addition to transferring skills from one character to another, the feature allows for the creation of more powerful NFTs by combining two existing characters.

The limit level of the character will be increased, and its stats will be strengthened, allowing for a more formidable presence in battles. By repeating synthesis, it is possible to increase the rarity of the character, making it even more valuable in the game. However, it is important to note that the success rate of synthesis depends on the compatibility of the characters' races and attributes.

Inter-Tribes success rates + Inter-Element success rates = Skill Synthesis Success Rate

Inter-Tribes Synthesis Success Rates

Inter-Element Synthesis Success Rates

*1. Each character has a maximum rarity limit. Once the character has reached its maximum rarity, it can no longer be further enhanced through synthesis.

*2. Character NFTs that are used as synthesis materials will be burned and cannot be retrieved after the synthesis is complete. Even if the synthesis fails, the character NFTs used for synthesis will be incinerated and no skills will be given.

*3. When you set characters in an offense formation or defense formation state in the battle arena, you won't be able to see the characters available for Skill Synthesis. So make sure to take them out of formation first before synthesizing.

*4. To combine skills, you need two characters: one main character to increase the rarity, and one sacrifice character. The main character must reach the max level before skill combining. In the process of skill combining, the ★ symbol (Star) will be added to the rarity, and each rarity has a specific number of ★. However, only 1 part-skill can be inherited during the process. The player must choose which skill to keep from the NFT sacrifice's skills. If the sacrifice character's skill is in the same body part as the main character's, the main character's current skill will be replaced. If the sacrifice character's skill is in a different body part, the main character can inherit an additional skill in a new body part. Each tribe has a body part limit so please take note.

*5. It costs gas fee to perform skill synthesis. Regardless of success or failure.

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